Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Little World Cup then a Walk

It was an overcast afternoon, perfect to watch the first bracket of the Little World Cup. It's Vietnam vs. Vietnam, a game that would prove to be decisive for both teams. I only stayed for the first half because I had to stand in line at the beer tent.

Opposite the front gate of St. Paul's Seminary here in Phat Diem are acres and acres of rice fields. The farmers have most all gone home for the evening after a long day, so I took the opportunity to walk along the berms and enjoy the scenery.
The vastness of the fields at times remind me a bit of the American prairies. While here you can see the trees about a mile away, the flatness of the ground is striking.
It does not rain as much here in the north as it does 1,000 miles away in south, so canals are critical to supply the water needed for rice to grow. The ground is amazingly fertile, reminding me of California's three big valleys. Put a stick in the ground here and it would grow.
Only the seed heads from the main stalks are harvested. The stalks and leaves are left behind. To make room for the the new shoots and control disease and pests. The smoke can make it difficult to breathe if enough farmers are burning.