Saturday, June 23, 2018

Saying Goodbye at the Seminary

The sisters know I love ice cream, so get a lot of it. Before lunch I went back to the seminary and was greeted and treated by the sisters. It was ice cream all around.
These five and most fun in world. Don't get me wrong, they are serious about God and their work, but get them going and it's non-stop fun.
Just being silly for the camera.
Fr. Bo surprised me and came over for lunch. We cannot speak each other's language well, but we speak to each other from the heart.
The men who teach at the seminary: Fr. Vong, Fr. Bo, Fr. An, and Fr. Suit. Table mates and good people.
That's me on Fr. Bo's bicycle. He is famous for going around the village on this two-wheeler, being greeted by everyone and waving back
Fr. Bo wanted to be in the picture, too.
This is the last picture I took at the seminary for 2018. In the distance is Fr. Bo riding his bicycle back to the cathedral.