Saturday, June 23, 2018

Class Party

 The night of every last class we have a party, and this year was no exception. The drink of the evening? Coca-Cola, with lots (and I mean lots) of ice.
 There was junk food and fruit. The watermelon went fast.
 Fr. Vong and I. He is a good man and I will miss him very much.
 All night the students kept feeding me. In fact, every meal I have in Vietnam everyone feeds me. You'd think I was thin.
 The guys acting up.
 There were lots of stories told and I made the rounds.
 Even though it was only soda, we still toasted, and toasted, and toasted.
 More talking and more mingling.
Thanks to Google Photos, I put all of the pictures and videos in an album and kept it going. Lots of good memories in only a couple of weeks.