Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Good Cleaning for the Chapel

Sunday is cleaning day in the chapel. While the boys are outside working, some of the girls are washing pews, windows, fans, and stairs.
The dust does accumulate because of being open to the outside, so the best way to clean is by a simple wet rag. At left is Vang who got the fun job of mopping the floor.
There are no screens on the windows because there are hardly any bugs flying around, although I have seen many large black and yellow butterflies on the flowers.
The "V" sign many of the students hold up is really for the number 2. In Vietnamese, 2 is hai, so they are saying "hi."
Yes, that really is a baby bird. I'm not sure why she has it or where it came from.
Cleaning is not hard work, but it does make the place a bit nicer, and working in cool water is never a bad thing during the summer.