After arriving at Phat Diem and being greeted by Fr. Luong, it's time to get settled. Here are Eddie and Mike checking in to Room 45.
Then it was time to get to work...and that means sports. Every day from 5-6 p.m. is free play time. The guys ran to the soccer field and joined the seminarians in a rousing game. America and Viet Nam mixed up the teams I couldn't follow who was on which side, but it was fun and intense. Here, Nam is celebrating a goal and Adam is enjoying the 125% humidity.
Can, on of the seminarians, just met Ms. Farrell and we decided it was Kodak moment. Here, teachers are called "Teacher" followed by their first name. Teacher Peggy also had time to walked and meet the girls. IN the background you can see the yellow building where we have our rooms. We have the entire second floor.
After the cleaning up for the game, we had dinner in the dining room. Here the boys have presented to Fr. Bo, our host, with two sacramentaries in English for mass at the cathedral chapel and the seminary. Everyone was pleased and then we enjoyed our meal with soda, a treat.
Evan and Tino are showing off their room. Each room has four beds but only two students. There is a room with a shower and sink and, opposite it, a separate room with a toilet.
That's Cooper and Chris putting up their mosquito nets. You're right, they put them on totally wrong, but we soon changed that. The beds are traditional woven mats over wood slats, very cool but very hard. Both Cooper and Even put down pads and there are many comforters they could also put down to make the bed softer. Comforters? Well, in the winter up in the north it can get down to almost freezing.
In the summers I spend time with my good friends in Phat Diem, Vietnam, a small country village with a world famous cathedral. Here are some of my musings. If you would like to correspond, please email me:
Each year after graduation, the students eishing to enter university must take entrance examinations. They have been studying the past few w...
Here is Nam Vu working his keyboard. Now entering 8th grade, he is quite the conversationalist. It's hard to believe that I have kn...
While in Hue I went across the street from the seminary and took a walk along the river. It was the epitome of serenity