Each week, one parish hosts Eucharistic adoration, where the Eucharist is placed on the altar and people pray quietly in front of the Body of Jesus. At 10:00 mass on Sunday, the Eucharist is put away and a large mass is concelebrated with as many parish priests as can make it. This week is was the cathedral parish's turn, so we went.

We got to sit in the sanctuary, on the right side of the altar, a place of honor. You can see Eddie, Cooper, Adam, Tien (Andrew), Mike, and a bit of Tino's hair. The sanctuary is painted red and gold, the colors of heaven, while the rest of the church remains unpainted to represent earth.
The gold leaf was originally put on in 1892 when the cathedral was built. Other than dusting, it has not been touched since. This past year, lighting has been added to bring out the details and colors.

Here are Chris and Teacher Kyle. On the curved ceiling are painted clouds with a blue sky. After mass, we were brought up to the front of the church and pictures were taken of all of us with Fr. Bo, Fr. Luong, and Fr. Phuc, rector of the cathedral. Tien's father took a picture and I will post that soon. Afterwards we all went to the dining room and had a hearty meal.
After mass, we were brought up to the front of the church and pictures were taken of all of us with Fr. Bo, Fr. Luong, and Fr. Phuc, rector of the cathedral. Tien's father took the picture. Afterwards, we all went to the dining room and had a hearty meal.