Next I went to see Joseph Thien and his family. Joseph befriended Fr. Tony and I our first year in Phat Diem five years ago. Ever since, I have visited his family each each and it's a high point of my trip. Joseph has finished his third year of seminary in Ha Noi and is going to spend the next academic year in a parish near the mountains.
This is Joseph's mom, me, his father, and Joseph. The stonework and gardening is all done by his father.
Now it is Joseph's mom, his brother Peter, Peter's wife, me, dad, and Joseph. Peter just got married a few months ago and everyone loves his new wife. It was a great visit, talking about old times and looking at the wedding photos. All in all, a great time.
Finally, I got to spend time with Sr. Hien, the eldest sister at the convent at 79. I teach pronunciation (pro-nun...very funny) to two of the sisters who teach the children English. We were working hard and sister walked in. The Serra guys remember her from our tour. She was one of the nuns who restored the convent after the Americans bombed it. Well, Sr. Hien started right in on here English pronunciation, which was not bad at all. Her mother just died a while ago at over 100. The white piece of cloth on her habit is a Vietnamese sign that she is still in mourning. You are loved, Sr. Hien.