In the summers I spend time with my good friends in Phat Diem, Vietnam, a small country village with a world famous cathedral. Here are some of my musings. If you would like to correspond, please email me:
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Visiting the New House of Fr. Minh's Parents
On the way home from mass, Fr. Minh and I stopped to see his parents' new house. I was amazed at how beautiful it was. The last time I visited was two years ago (see for the blog entry). The new house is completely cement, with exquisite tile floors, amazing woodwork, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The ceilings are 14 feet high, with moulding and there is even hookup for cable and Internet. The view of the banana trees is wonderful, and his mother and father really deserved it. When I asked them to pose it it (it is not quite finished yet) they were happy to do so. One of the best things about visiting every year is that I get to know good people and share a bit of their lives with them.
Each year after graduation, the students eishing to enter university must take entrance examinations. They have been studying the past few w...
Here is Nam Vu working his keyboard. Now entering 8th grade, he is quite the conversationalist. It's hard to believe that I have kn...
While in Hue I went across the street from the seminary and took a walk along the river. It was the epitome of serenity