I rode with Lich to his house. Lich has been my student and was ordained last fall, so he is, in the vernacular, a "baby priest." Here is a picture of him and his family.
What happened after that is kind of a blur. You see, we then took the motorbike to Minh's house and walked to where the party was. There was a tremendous amount of food, lots of talking and laughing, and something called Kuou, which is known as Vietnamese wine. Well, it's more than just wine. I think it's pure alcohol. Everyone was toasting everyone else, and pretty soon I was worried I would fall off the motorbike on the way home, so I had to stop. I can't remember when I enjoyed myself more...or is it that I can't remember? Well, it was a great time, and I'm not posting any pictures of it to protect the innocent.