Friday, June 13, 2014

Getting Ready for the World Cup

 Even though it's been raining and the field is muddy, since the seminarians are playing (in the background), the young students have to play, too.
 The "field" is too muddy for shoes, so barefeet are the order of the day. The small goals are perfect for the small field.
 In Vietnam, no matter who scores, everyone cheers. It's not easy to make a goal with the level of playing. It's the game of choice for most boys.
These three guys wanted their picture taken. You can guess which one asked me. (the one with the big  smile.)
 Since about 100 students are living here during the week, they have to do their own wash. Mom isn't here to do that. And the was is done by hand every night. Many students have only two sets of clothes with them.
Playing hide-and-go seek, this one wanted her picture taken, also. I have to say that I laugh most of the time. Kids are kids wherever you go.