Deacon Nicholas was a great host and helped us to understand the history and charism of the Benedictines. Nhat, Loc, Tan, and I were pleased to have visited and will carry Thien An in our hearts wherever we go.
In the summers I spend time with my good friends in Phat Diem, Vietnam, a small country village with a world famous cathedral. Here are some of my musings. If you would like to correspond, please email me:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Thien An Monastery
On June 10, 1940, two Benedictine priests from France established Thien An Monastery in the hills above Hue. Thien An means "Peace of Heaven." It is also, in my eyes, a piece of heaven here on earth.
Deacon Nicholas met us at the gift shop and gave us a personal tour. From that original beginning of two priests, there are now 80 monks at the monastery, 6 priests and 74 brothers. It is a marvel of architecture and construction. Every nook has a meaning and every door brings one into new spaces of wonder.
Here Deacon Nicholas leads us from the main hall through the courtyard. Behind him is the lower level that is kept cool, away from the sun's heat.
This is the lower level alongside the lower chapel on the right. Here is where mass is said each Sunday with the people and monks together.
Next to the chapel is a pagoda. But unlike the Buddhist pagodas, this does not have a lotus on top, but rather a cross.
This is what is termed the "choir" for the monks in the main chapel on the upper level. Each monk has a seat for prayer and for mass. I took the picture, and behind me is another set of seats. The monks take turns reading prayer from side to side, one stanza for each side.
The upper chapel has an altar for mass. As you can see, the architecture is simple, while the furniture adds the touches of detail and finesse. It is amazing what artists can do with concrete as a building material, making it look light.
This is looking out from the front of the upper chapel through the main doors. Every tree is sculpted, every stone clean as when it was new. Benedict's motto for his monks was "Ora et Labora," pray and work, and that is what they do. Everyone has a job and it is done with the love of God and people in mind.
Deacon Nicholas was a great host and helped us to understand the history and charism of the Benedictines. Nhat, Loc, Tan, and I were pleased to have visited and will carry Thien An in our hearts wherever we go.
Deacon Nicholas was a great host and helped us to understand the history and charism of the Benedictines. Nhat, Loc, Tan, and I were pleased to have visited and will carry Thien An in our hearts wherever we go.
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