In the summers I spend time with my good friends in Phat Diem, Vietnam, a small country village with a world famous cathedral. Here are some of my musings. If you would like to correspond, please email me:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Citadel
The citadel was built as the royal capital city in the 1800s. Many Vietnamese died to make it as beautiful as it was. Today it is being restored. We visited it on Thursday morning.
When we got in the citadel grounds, we ran into a family we had met back in Phat Diem. I completely forgot the man's name, but his wife is Lisa. He fought in Viet Nam in the late 60s, and he was here with his son, his daughter-in-law, and their two grandchildren. He is a minister and we had a great time together.
Here his daughter is feeding the koi. For a video of it, see the end of the post. There were so many that you could hear them swarming near the food.
Each year after graduation, the students eishing to enter university must take entrance examinations. They have been studying the past few w...
Here is Nam Vu working his keyboard. Now entering 8th grade, he is quite the conversationalist. It's hard to believe that I have kn...
While in Hue I went across the street from the seminary and took a walk along the river. It was the epitome of serenity