Tuan's mother put on quite a spread for us. The seminarians who came along made sure to enjoy the great food.
We ate Vietnamese style, sitting on the woven mats. That lets everyone sit together and pass the food easily.
I have to say that all of the food was delicious, but the sauce that Tuan's mother made that we dipped the meat into was especially good. This is one of Tuan's brothers talking with The.
I had the chance to work the room, talking with everyone. Thanks go to my students who translated for me.
It's all about the beer. The two most famous brands are Bia Ha Noi and Bia Sai Gon. Can you guess where each is from? And can you guess how to spell "beer" in Vietnamese? Don't worry, it's not as strong as American beer.
I spent some time with Tuan's sister-in-law and sister. With the kids I did a magic trick and then had them practice it.
Here is everyone together after the delicious meal. It was hot, but there is nothing like time with good people to make you feel comfortable.
Before getting on the motorbikes to leave, we took one last picture with me and Tuan's mother. She is a saint, raising these kids and making sure they each grew up to be adults she could be proud of.