This is year number eight to visit Joseph Tien's House. The first time, Fr. Tony Sauer was with me. We had the biggest party in this traditional house that Joseph's father built. Notice the thatched roof and timber columns.
Here is Joseph, me, Joseph's father and mother, and Loc. Loc is heading to the Redemptorist novitiate next month and aspires to be a monk. He has the makings of a fine religious.
This is the house that Joseph's father built thirty years ago. It has two levels and is completely concrete. No need for fire insurance here.
Here we are in the living room hanging out. NOtice the chairs and sofa...they're padded. Oh, they felt so good after all those hard wooden chairs. We had ice cold melon, watermelon, and yogurt, perfect for a Saturday morning.
Here are some of the bonsai that Joseph's father has grown for many years. They are difficult to maintain, but you can see that they are all healthy and look amazing.
In the summers I spend time with my good friends in Phat Diem, Vietnam, a small country village with a world famous cathedral. Here are some of my musings. If you would like to correspond, please email me:
Each year after graduation, the students eishing to enter university must take entrance examinations. They have been studying the past few w...
Here is Nam Vu working his keyboard. Now entering 8th grade, he is quite the conversationalist. It's hard to believe that I have kn...
While in Hue I went across the street from the seminary and took a walk along the river. It was the epitome of serenity