When I heard last week that we could get shirts made to order by a real tailor, I jumped at the chance. You see, Vinh has a real nice blue shirt that seemed really comfortable, very light and cool. So Vinh, Dinh, Bill, and I went over to the market to get measured. It took a week, but we each got a shirt. Well, Bill got two and Dinh got one also. We had to buy the material first and then bring it to the tailor. Bill decided on a cloth that would only have a little bit left if he bought just what he needed, so he bought all of it. Since there was material left over, the tailor made him two. It was not really that expensive, about $3.00 per shirt total. I found out that pants are about $5.00 each. If I lived here, it would make sense to have everything tailor made.

The tailor is young, the son of the master tailor, and this is his young pregnant wife who also sews. They graciously posed for the picture even though they were very busy. You can see our blue shirts on the table.