Son finds friends wherever he goes. While waiting, he took up a conversation with a fun lady who was coming out of the cathedral bookstore. I didn't get her name, but she was smiling all the time..

In the summers I spend time with my good friends in Phat Diem, Vietnam, a small country village with a world famous cathedral. Here are some of my musings. If you would like to correspond, please email me: garymeegan@gmail.com.
Here is the captain of our fair vessel. I know it's not a very exciting video, but it's the best I can do. The scenery went by way too slowly for me to get anything breathtaking, so you're stuck with this guy.
And naturally, I have to put up a picture of the winning goalie who gave up only one goal in the entire game.
I know, pretty amazing eh? And then we got to the church. It is in the middle of rice paddies, so the tower stuck up out of nowhere. Inside, the church, only four years old, was packed with every age, from toddlers to the elderly. Fr. Hien said mass and everyone sang beautifully, and I mean everyone sang. It was magnificently loud. After mass, the altar boys of the chapel (it is a mission of a larger parish), met me for a picture.
Then the elders of the church invited me in for tea in their new reception room. After some wonderful conversation, we took a picture. Here is a view of us under the statue of Mary. The background is the setting sun.
And finally, the bell tower. It was a magnificent sight that said goodbye. It is easy to see that God is blessing this place and these people.